Upon typing in "Fresh start", the thought of changing it to "New Beginnings" came into my head. It didn't make sense as there's really nothing happening in my life that would make me write about new beginnings. I now know that this phrase just comes from an old memory -- New Beginnings is a part of CRIBS, a house for abandoned kids and abused girls (this is the NB part) where I used to volunteer while at university. Although I actually spent more time with the babies. I wonder how they're doing now.
Joey. That was the name of the kid I loved the most. So cute! I wonder how he is. Hmm. Wherever he is now, I hope he is doing well and is getting all the love and care he deserves.
Oh I did start something new recently. I started diving lessons last week. And this weekend I'll be having my first checkout dive. I went on an intro dive last year, but I guess that doesn't count as a real dive. So I'm really looking forward to this weekend. I'm a bit scared, but still excited.
I'm also glad because I will finally be able to dive with my boyfriend. Boy, those hours of just sitting, reading or snorkelling by myself while waiting for the divers to come back were just too long. Also, after having seen his photos, I just want to be down there myself. There's so much to see and discover! I really can't wait! Anilao, here I come!
My sister gave birth last week. After a small scare over jaundice, the baby is now home with his proud, loving (and relieved) parents. He's so tiny, always hungry, and cries so loudly (mainly because he's hungry again). And he's so cute! And he smells so nice. The scent of newborn babies is simply one of the best in the world. Try smelling one, haha. Oh I just love babies.
I think I will be spending more time in Antipolo...
I'm turning 25 next week. Ugh, quarter of a century old! Talk about quarter life crisis! I still don't know where my life is going. Oh dear. New year. Fresh start, fresh start. Gotta work on those resolutions I came up with during the New Year. Wait, did I have any? Haha. I better make some now. Not getting any younger! I really should stop waiting for things to happen. I gotta make them happen!
But I think I shall remain forever 23. Not that that was an exceptionally good year for me -- I don't remember anything particularly interesting about it, but 23 just feels like a good number (Michael Jordan would agree). And it seems a good age to stay in forever. No, I'm not crazy. I just don't want to grow old. And people everywhere lie about their age anyway. Why should I be an exception? Hehe.
Oh well, 'til my next post.
In the meantime I will remain 23, continue to work hard at not going crazy, go to my final pool session with Roby the dive master, Doris my buddy, and Anna my other classmate, and try not to forget to pack sunscreen for the trip!
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