I think I should also add a non-interesting life to my list of excuses. Nothing's been happening in my life lately. I haven't gone diving since I got my license. But then again, I got sick. And so did Jay. Which means, Bohol didn’t materialize. :( But then again, there's no reason why we shouldn't go one of these days. Let's see.
Last Saturday, I attended the baptism of my sister’s baby. They named him Jose Ma. Alfonso. Cute little baby, pleasant and quiet – he didn’t cry a single time during both the baptism and reception. Good boy!
Thanks to the reception, I got to see all those relatives I rarely see. These are the times we get together: baptisms, weddings, burials. All the significant moments of our lives. Goes to show how (not) close-knit we are.
I was reading this email I sent a friend two years ago. My life was just so different then. Here’s a part of the drama I sent her:
Everyday, I get up and hope for something exciting or wonderful to happen. And every night before I go to bed I get sad because nothing happened. I wish I could just be happy with my life. After all, there are so many people out there who have more miserable lives. But I can’t. There’s something missing. But I don’t know what it is.
I don’t know if, well actually, I don’t think I have found that missing thing, but I am definitely, definitely happier today. My mornings are more joyous. I like my job. I’m happier with my relationships with my family and friends. And I have Jay. As I said in my last post, life is good.
Still, there are moments when I feel lost and unsure. I’m 25 and I still haven’t achieved much, or anything actually. And I don’t know where I’m going.
I think what’s different now is that I worry less. Sometimes it’s just good to go on faith. No one knows what tomorrow holds, but we can trust that it will be beautiful. If not beautiful, well, at the very least, helpful or constructive. Haha.
Enough mooning about. I hope to write about something more interesting soon. I need some excitement in my life!
Manila Jazz Festival on Friday, June 15 at the Grand Sunset Pavilion, Sofitel Philippine Plaza, 6pm onwards. My friends and I will be there. It should be fun – something different to do on a Friday night.
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