Monday, July 9, 2007


I just got back from Legaspi. I was able to spend four days at home. Oh god bless the Czechs for their holidays! :)

It was all unplanned, it was just lovely: EVERYONE went home. Siblings 1 to 13, applicable spouses, nephews and nieces included. My mom couldn't quite decide which grandchild to play with! And which child to scold for all the merciless teasing and bantering going on. Haha.

I had a grand time taking care of my nieces and nephews, particularly Martina and Alfonso, the youngest of the group. I felt very much the proud aunt for achieving the feat of making them fall asleep in my arms. It felt so good. I think I have baby envy, hahaha.

Anyway, I can't wait for the photos. (Mar, Fif, Chiara: *hint*) We don't get together so often like that, so photos are in order. I will post some soon as I get them.


Still don't know when Jay is coming back. Ay ay.

How is it possible to miss someone so much when you've lived more than half your life without him anyway?


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