Monday, October 20, 2008


I don't know what I want.

Or maybe, I know what I want. But am just too afraid to go for it.

And therein lies my problem.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Rude Awakening


The sound of a key trying to open my locked door followed by loud knocking woke me up from an already unhappy dream to a worse one.

I now have a roommate. Ugh. I really should have expected that, and not raised my hopes up for some sort of miracle that would allow me to remain alone in this double room (albeit in name only for it really is just a single room with two beds) that they assigned me.

I'm pretty sure my new roommie is a nice girl. But this has nothing to do with her. I like having my room to myself. It's a place I retreat to when I need peace and quiet. I like having my own organized mess, I like singing out loud in my undies as I get ready for class, I like having friends over whenever I want, I like having a place for my drama moments.

And now my happy days over.

Unless I get lucky and she decides she can't live in this tiny space with me either. Or if I'm extremely lucky and there is still a single room available in this dorm.

Wish me luck.

Because my sanity hangs in the balance.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Vanity Fair

Our only formal pics. From Janice and RJ's wedding.

Jay and I love these photos. I don't know how they turned out nice, because we were laughing too much while we were trying to pose as the guy directed.

Haaay. I miss you honey.