Wednesday, January 9, 2008

2007 / 2008

I've been trying to decide on whether to write a The-Year-That-Was piece on 2007 or not.

At first, I was thinking that 2007 was pretty unremarkable. Looking back, it seemed that nothing much happened -- nothing new, nothing out of the ordinary.

But when I thought about it again, it dawned on me that 2007 marked the longest time I have ever stayed at a job, and the longest time I've been in a relationship. Oh miracle of miracles.

I would like to take this as a sign of maturity. Oh yes, it seems that I am growing up. Finally, finally. Have I finally shed my restlessness and itching desire to be "anywhere else but here"?

Perhaps I have. Or then again maybe I haven't.

I am still waiting, with crossed fingers and a hopeful heart, for the results of my application to the Gottingen University in Germany for a Masters Degree. Guess I still have that longing to be somewhere else.

But this time, I know what I am doing. This time I have a plan, a workable plan. This should be quite unlike my harebrained (but really really fun!) trip to Thailand :P I just have to get accepted first! Darn, March seems so far away. Can't wait for the results!

Anyway, where was I? Ah, 2007, the year that was.

Well, it was a quiet year for me. But I guess in that quietness, I discovered how to live a better, happier life. I feel that I have mellowed down. I am more content with what Life has given me. I know who and what are important to me. And I know better than to clutter my life with what are not. I would like to believe that I have grown wiser.

I look forward to this year and the endless possibilities it brings. Where will tomorrow bring me? No one knows. But I am not afraid. In fact, I am excited. Whatever happens.

(Yes, even not getting accepted to that Masters Course. But I'd rather, much much rather, get accepted.)

Stronger and wiser, that's what I am. And with friends, family and loved ones at my side, I can face anything. 2008, bring it on!

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